Software news – September 2009

Just a brief post to let you know of two cool tools being ready for their official release.

CppDepend goes RTM

I’ve just told you about nDepend in my last blog post and yesterday I’ve found that there is a tool in development that will provide the same functionality where it’s very needed – in the C++ world. This tool is amazing – from my experience writing a .NET analysis application is hard but writing the same kind of application to the native/unmanaged world is harder.image

Yesterday CppDepend RTM was just announced yesterday and it looks very promising. You can read the release announcement here, the tool is available for download from here.

SharpDevelop 3.1 Release Candidate 2 image

I’m a fan of #Develop, it is a great IDE and I wrote about it more then once

I’m excited about the upcoming release that will add never seen before IronPython support as well as other goodies – like the new profiler. The latest release candidate is available in the project’s site.