Application to install on a new development machine–revisited

As the year draws to its end it’s time to think of the paths we took in the last year…

About 4 months ago I wrote a post titled 14 application to install on a new development machine explaining why I installed each an every application on my new and shiny laptop (T510) I got from work. Since than I’ve installed a few applications, removed some and re-installed a few after finding out I cannot do without them. As an experiment I’ve decided to open “add/remove programs” a.k.a appwiz.cpl and see what has changed.

New arrivals

  1. µTorrent – There is a lot of legal free content out there that is distributed using torrent files this year I’ve used this nifty client to download all of the sessions from conferences I wanted to attend but unfortunately was not able to.
  2. Beyond Compare – You can probably use VS built inn  compare but why suffer?
  3. CCleaner – because windows cannot take care of itself. it always amazes me the amount of junk that this application manages to find and delete (5GB last run). Now with full win7 integration jump list galore.
  4. CDBurnerXP – Small, free, easy to use and does the job – what else could I possibly need from a CD/DVD burning solution?
  5. Google Chrome – It still feels like I’m betraying FireFox but it’s user-friendly, fast and has everything I need.
  6. Git – I’m already using SubVersion for some of my projects but this is the year I’m moving to distributed source control.
  7. Notepad++ – I hate opening Visual Studio to each time I need to edit or view a single XML file. And I haven’t found a programming language that it does not have syntax highlighting for.
  8. PostSharp – AOP in .NET need I say more?
  9. Skype – Helps me to keep in touch with friends an family. I actually use the chat feature more than the voice.
  10. Soluto – “The anti frustration software”. I use it to find and remove the applications that cause my machine startup to take forever.
  11. TeamViewer – I use it for code review when either one of my co-workers or myself are not on site.
  12. Xobni – I find outlooks search lacking in so many places so I’ve decided to install this application. It helps me find the message I’m looking for or the attachment that I’m pretty sure someone has sent me.


  1. Mozilla Firefox – my long time companion of browsing the web. I’ve used it due to it’s extended support of add-ins but after realizing that I can get the same functionality from Chrome I’ve decided to switch sides. Maybe will meet again in the future – possibly on version 4.
  2. Quicktime – I’m not sure how it got to my machine or what it does there, I could have sworn I already uninstall it several times but it always seems to find it’s way back to may machine. And NO I don’t want to install Safari.

Happy new year – see you in 2011


Related Links:

14 application to install on a new development machine

7 free tools for the Hobbyist .NET developer

Five reasons to install Resharper 5 today

nDepend Review

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