How to migrate your blog from Community Server to Blogger

Welcome to my new blog – I’ve recently left and Community server and while it wasn’t completely pain-free it wasn’t too hard.


I’ve been contemplating changing my blogging platform for some time now. While I managed to keep on blogging using my previous provider it was becoming more and more of a hassle. The version of Community server used was not updated for at least three years, I kept getting increased amounts of spam and administering my blog was cumbersome.

Another reason was that after a couple of years of blogging I wanted to give my blog a more “personalized” look – new template, my own domain etc. and doing it using the tools I had in hand was impossible. I’ve reached the point that the only thing that kept me there was the amount of effort needed to successfully migrate my blog and more importantly my readers (that’s you) to a new platform


The solution to my migration pains presented itself with a new tool called Blog Migrator created by Sean Patterson that was created for blog migration from Community Server to SquareSpace/WordPress, hopefully future versions will support Blogger as well but until then I had to do a small detour:

  1. Migrated the blog to WordPress
  2. Export all of WordPress posts to an WXR file
  3. Used wordpress2blogger conversion utility (thanks Alan)
  4. Imported the result file to blogger

It’s not pretty but it worked – I’ve lost my tags and comments on the way but I now I have a new blog on my domain (i.e. with a selected template that I can easily customize.
