AOP sessions on IDNDUG

I’ve just come back from my dual session on AOP on the local user group. The first part was introduction to AOP – what is it and why should you care.
I’ve also reviewed several ways to implement AOP in your code from functional programming to full AOP frameworks.
Introduction to aop
View more presentations from Dror Helper.
The source code for this presentation can be downloaded from here.
The 2nd session was all about PostSharp and how to use it to do cool stuff from simple logging to lazy loading and adding attributes and interfaces at compile time.
I won’t post the slides for the second session most of it was done in Visual Studio. All of the code I’ve shown can be downloaded here.
The examples are also available here.
I had a great audience – they participated and asked a lot of questions most of which I managed to answer.

All in all a good day…

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