In search of a Better Place

Leave by inf3ktion, on FlickrLast week the company I was employed at went bankrupt. It was the end of a long process which started about a year ago. It was a sad experiencer - I believed in the company and its goals. I hoped that the company’s amazing vision would become reality - and it did for a while.

Don’t feel too sorry for me - the truth is that I was looking for the next challenge for some time now, and I had problems deciding what to do next.

During my career I’ve worked for both big corporates and small start-ups. I’ve developed all sorts of applications and enjoyed it.

It took me a few job interviews to find a place I’d like to work for. Then I did a few more job interviews just to make sure that this is what I want…


During the time I’ve worked of my last employer things have changed. C++ 11, .NET 4.5 (soon to be 5) and windows without a start button (to be returned) – I felt left out, I wanted to use all those cool new technologies. And so I’ve looked for a place of work where I will learn the latest & greatest always on the bleeding edge of technology while keeping my old skills in practice.

In short after looking at a few options I’ve decided that it’s time to give advices professionally, in short - I’m a consultant!

I’ve signed up with CodeValue, and I’m happy to offer my services.


So if you need someone to help you add unit testing to your project – let’s talk. In case you what to learn more about the topics covered in this blog – I do training as well.

But enough marketing – I’ll keep updating this blog for time to time with my new job experience.

Happy coding…
